All of these runs have had a tie-in to a good cause, usually associated with the global water issue. He's also expanded the runs to have an educational component through his impossible2Possible (i2P) organization that aims to inspire and educate youth through adventure learning and though inclusion and participation in expeditions.
When I saw him at TED a couple of years ago, he descibed his recently completed record-breaking unsupported trek to the South Pole. Since then, he has completed several more exciting runs. I'll be looking forward to hearing about his latest Youth Ambassadors have participated in the runs. In addition, his organization provides educational materials for classroom use, and students can follow the trip via the Internet.
When I saw him at TED a couple of years ago, he had just completed an unsupported trek to the South Pole and talked about that voyage. Since then, he has completed several more exciting runs. I'll be looking forward to hearing about his latest adventure.
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