Tuesday, March 6, 2012

TED 2012: Secrets

Frank Warren runs postsecret.com.  He had a quirky idea.  Get people to send him their most intimate secrets secrets they've never shared before and he'd publish them anonymously on his web site.  Since launch, people have sent over half a million postcards. They've been making their own clever postcards in tune with the message.  Secrets range from humorous, to quixotic, to shocking, to touching to absolutely heart-wrenching.
Many cards were quite humourous.  The card you can see above was written on a flattened-out Starbucks cup:  “I give decaf to customers who are rude to me”.    Some descend to bathroom humour, like this one from the site:

Some were quite poignant: “Everyone who knew me before 9/11 thinks I’m dead", or "Dear Birthmother.  I have great parents.  I found love. I'm happy." 

As I sit writing this post, I notice several on the site that discuss relationships:

  Or this one, that led to a long-overdue reunion:

 Some even make a political statement:

 I think I'll visit this site from time to time when I have a few minutes to spare.  Warren claims it's the most-visited non-advertising-supported site.  I can see why.

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